


1. Everything I have learned, everything I have experienced,it's all for this time., for your sword, no one can stop it.



​2. Mr. Zhou,

​You met me when you were thirty-five.

​I hope... You'll be me for the rest of your life.

​  ​周先生,

​​  你三十五岁的时候遇见我,



​3. You're an research expert  on people, and I'm an expert  on you.



​4.I would rather forget myself

     Don't want to forget you.




​5. When I saw him, I liked it so much that I forgot my last name.



6.​—— What a long journey!

​—— Then walk slowly.

​   ——这趟路好长啊!



​7. Chang'an is beautiful tonight.

​   今夜的长安真美。


​​8. Someday, he may understand what love is.

One day, he may be willing to pick up his feathers and stay out.




​9.[XY]: No.

  ​[XY]: Don't ask, you can't.

  ​[XY]: You can't play.

  ​Three successions of indifference.





​  冷漠三连。

​  暴击。

​                                          ——《伪装学渣》

​10. Knowledge is more valuable than money.

​More precious than knowledge is endless curiosity.

​More precious than curiosity is the stars above us.








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